Saturday, 25 February 2017

Dealing with QLD Land for Sale Developers: 4 Things to Watch Out For

If you own land in an area in Queensland with a huge potential for growth, you may already have investors wooing you to sell your property. Regardless if you have a one-hectare or one-hundred-hectare piece of land for sale in QLD, you’ll naturally want to make as much money as you can, and fast. However, you need to tread carefully, because developers can steer you into a much longer and broader game that’s considerably less advantageous for you. Here’s what you need to watch out for.
A straightforward option agreement
A straightforward option agreement plays into the developer’s favour. Choose a conditional type of contract, as this compels the developer to buy your land from you before a set target date. It also requires them to adhere to the ‘best practices’ of securing planning permission. Read more from this blog:

Wednesday, 22 February 2017

Not Just Location: Factors that can Affect the Value of Land for Sale

Everyone knows that location is the primary factor that determines land value. However, there are also many other things that affect how much a piece of land is worth. Below are just a couple of considerations to keep in mind if you intend to purchase land for sale in Brisbane.
Physical Features
Is the plot of land on a mountainside? While this area may be harder to develop, it can make for a desirable vacation home community because of the stunning views it can offer. As such, the physical features of the land can play a huge role in how valuable it can be.
Anyone can buy a flat piece of land, but very few plots of land have unique features such as a mountainside view, and this can determine both the buying price and expected return on investment. Read more from this blog:

Friday, 10 February 2017

5 Ways to Determine the Feasibility of a Land for Sale in Queensland

Vacant land is an often-misunderstood aspect of real estate investment. It’s so easy for investors to completely overlook the superior benefits that come with purchasing land for sale in its raw form, and this is unfortunate. The ease and stability with buying the right QLD land for sale is enough reason to choose this over any other type of real estate. What’s more, if you know what to look for, buying a vacant lot can be more profitable than buying a house or building. Read more from this blog.

Wednesday, 8 February 2017

Land For Sale in Brisbane: Understanding Land Tax and Minimising It

Land tax is an annual tax levied on the owners of land in Queensland. It is a state tax that’s calculated on the freehold QLD land you own on the midnight of June 30 each year. If you plan to purchase land for sale in Brisbane, you need to familiarise yourself with the various land tax thresholds of the states so you can keep your obligations in check. The more you know, the less likely the possibility you’ll be surprised by a large unexpected bill.
Can land tax be a serious problem?
When you have only one or two properties in your portfolio, land tax is rarely a serious problem. However, as your portfolio increases, this type of tax can start to take a huge chunk out of your assets. Read more from this blog.